1988年ヴェネツィアにてシュルレアリスムの代表的な作家 『Salvador Dalí』 に運命的な邂逅をはたす。1993 年 21 世紀最高の写真家『Robert Mapplethorpe』に触発され、『A Moment of Eternity ロバート・メイプルソープ回顧展』総合プロデュース。同年某写真雑誌にて『年間最優秀写真展』の称号をとる。独自の世界観と常に時代をリードする『ウェディングフォトグラフィー』は、各界より数多く賞賛を頂き『AMAN RESORTS』『ONE&ONLY』『AYANA Resorts and Spa』オフィシャルフォトグラファーとして数社のビジュアル撮影を行う。海外ウェディングブランド EARTH COLORSの代表として、積極的に海外での撮影を続ける。2016年南青山『color balance』、2019年渋谷『WHITE BALANCE』をオープン。新進気鋭のフォトグラファーチーム『banana monkey PICTURES』を結成。 2021年春 新たなフォトブランド『TIME COLORS』をリリース。
August19, 1963 Born in Yamaguchi,JapanAugust19, 1988 KOICHI IMABAYASHI met with the world renowned surrealism artist,Salvadore Dali. This brief meeting was a life changing moment for KOICHI IMABAYASHI, and hisinterest in art was born. Sadly, Salvadore Dali passed away 6 months later, with KOICHI IMABAYASHI being the last Japanese to meet him before his passing…1993,KOICHI IMABAYASHI produced a photo exhibition by world renowned photographer,Robert Mapplethorpe. Named `A moment of Eternity`, it was flagged asthe best photoexhibition of the year by photography magazines in Japan.This experience with Robert Mapplethorpe’ s work saw thebeginning of KOICHI IMABAYASHI’ s fascination with fine art photography.Aswell as being the CEO of GRACE NEWS Inc, a luxury wedding produce company in Tokyo, it was a big chance for KOICHI IMABAYASHI to hone hisexperience in photography. Throughhis unique style, KOICHI IMABAYASHI’ s Wedding Photography received accolades throughout Japan.Almost allof the images used in GRACE NEWS media are taken by KOICHI IMABAYASHI.This recognition of his talent led onto KOICHI IMABAYASHI being officially hired by Aman Resorts and One&Only to photograph their resorts.